Our Philosophy
BF Virtual Associates, LLC is a team of experts ready to help you and your organization. We see mothers taking time away from their careers to raise and nurture their families and then struggle to find work when their children are in school. BF Virtual Associates is including these mothers on our team so that they can refresh their skills and re-enter the work world with confidence and excellent skills.
Meet Betsy Fanning
Betsy is a highly motivated and dedicated virtual expert specializing in project and program management. She is a skilled proofreader of many types of documents and writes blog posts, articles, and research papers. Additionally, she helps users better understand technologies through checklists and toolkits chocked full of helpful information and hints.
Betsy lives and operates out of Northwest Florida (USA). As a native of Pittsburgh and the Northern Virginia area, Northwest Florida is a terrific change from having to shovel snow and worry about icy roads and sidewalks. It is wonderful to be close to the beaches along the Gulf of Mexico.
Betsy is an AIIM Certified Information Professional (CIP) and a HubSpot Inbound Marketing certificate holder.
Experience and Background
Betsy Fanning is the virtual administrator of the international standards program for the PDF Association and NISO (National Information Standards Organization). In these roles, she is responsible for the U.S. TAG (Technical Advisory Groups) to ISO TC171 SC2, ISO TC46, and ISO/JTC1 SC34. She is the ISO program manager for over 30 standards projects in ISO/TC 171/SC2 and ISO/TC46/SC9.
Betsy Fanning was the director of Standards for AIIM. In this position, she was responsible for the standards and technical reports produced by AIIM as ANSI (American National Standards), ISO, and AIIM Recommended Practices as well as Best Practices and Toolkits. At the international level, she was the secretary for ISO TC 171, Document Management Applications and ISO TC 171 Subcommittee 2, Application Issues and is the administrator for the U. S. Technical Advisory Group to TC 171 that represents the United States at the international meetings. She was also responsible for building liaison relationships with other standards development organizations and was a member of ANSI committees.
Prior to joining AIIM, Betsy held positions with DynSolutions, a correspondence, document and records management company, and Westinghouse Electric. In these companies, she implemented Enterprise Content Management systems including the elements of imaging, workflow, and correspondence, report and document management.
In 1994, Betsy was awarded AIIM’s Distinguished Service Citation, inducted into AIIM’s Company of Fellows in 2008 and received AIIM’s Award of Merit in 2024.
Personal Note
Betsy is the fur mom to beautiful West Highland Terriers (Westies), Lilly and Tosh (short for McIntosh and a cancer survivor) and Angels Alex, Piper and Gilley. Angels Alex, Piper, and Gilley and Tosh rescued Betsy as much as she rescued them. Angel Gilley was with Betsy only a short time but in that time took a huge part of Betsy’s heart. Angel Alex crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2019 to become an angel but is still very much in Betsy’s heart as is Angel Piper who crossed in 2023. Puppy Lilly and Tosh make sure she takes frequent walks, alert her on anything approaching the house or in the yard and make her laugh at just the right time. Now, Lilly and Tosh are in charge! Betsy enjoys swimming, gardening, knitting, crocheting, cross-stitch, reading and traveling.
Next Steps…
Contact Betsy today for a free 20-minute consultation to learn how we can work together and help your business. Schedule your consultation today